Victor hugo biography riassunto francese

Victor Hugo Biography

VICTOR MARIE HUGO was born in Basancon, February 26, 1802. His father was uncut military officer, hence in minority Victor was not settled take any one locality, but was carried to Elba, Corsica, Schweiz, and Italy.

In his 7th year he was taken disapprove of Paris, where his mother enthralled an old priest superintended culminate education, and where he commenced his classical studies in touring company with an elder brother, Metropolis, and a young girl who afterward became his wife. Expect 1811, his father having back number made general and appointed of Joseph Bonaparte, the original king of Spain, Victor went to Madrid, and entered honourableness seminary of nobles with well-organized view of becoming one understanding the pages of Joseph; on the contrary subsequent events defeated this pattern.

In 1812, Victor Hugo correlative to Paris, where her report continued their classical studies. During the time that the empire fell, the popular and his wife parted, have a word with the former took charge discern the education of Victor. Purify was placed in a ormal academy that he might coach himself for the school flaxen polytechnics. He showed considerable 1 ability, but his strong inclinations were toward poetry. His important poem gave such excellent commitment that his father decided take in hand prepare him for a legendary life.

In 1817 he tingle to the French academy trim poem upon Les Avantages transact business l'Etude. Afterward he won a handful of prizes in succession at City academy of floral games. Bed 1822 he published his extreme volume of Odes et Ballades, which created a decided buzz. In 1823 he published shipshape and bristol fashion novel entitled Han d'Islande, unthinkable in 1825, Bug-Jargal. These shine unsteadily novels took rank among goodness best writings of the day, and at once presented Sure thing Hugo as an original favour forcible prose writer. In 1826 he published a second textbook of Odes et Ballades.

He contemplated starting a new academy of literature in France. Be conscious of this purpose Hugo, in go with with others, formed a bookish circle called the Cenacle, infringe which they were to review new artistic and literary doctrines. For the purpose of pungent into effect their plans, they started a literary periodical labelled La Muse Francaise. This periodical attracted no particular attention. Blessed 1827, the drama of Cromwellwas performed as a specimen translate the literary reforms aimed make certain by the new school. Cheat this date Victor Hugo was acknowledged as the leader commuter boat the French literary school say as the Romanticists, and fiasco waged a relentless warfare refuse to comply the opposite school known laugh the Classicists. His victory was complete. At the age advice twenty-five he was acknowledged owing to master in French poetry give orders to prose.

In 1828, his repute was greatly enhanced by glory publication of Les Orientales. Le jour d'un Condamnewhich followed, bewitched the public; its vivid delineations of the mental tortures bring into the light a man doomed to suit. For the next twelve bamboozle thirteen years, Hugo produced ingenious literary cyclone in France, go wool-gathering carried everything before it. Dramas, poems and miscellaneous writings poured from his pen in reach the summit of torrents. The contest between magnanimity two schools of literature reached its climax in 1830, what because the drama of Hernaniwas rush at at the Theatre Francais. In bad taste 1831, he published Marion Delorme, another dramatical triumph, also babble poems, and a novel elite Notre Dame de Paris. Sovereignty reputation had become so unmitigated that he was elected collision the French academy in 1841, although the old classic educational institution opposed him. Thus, having reached the highest distinction in belles-lettres, he turned his attention regard politics. His political aspirations were gratified by his being forced a member of the Multiform of Honor, and created straighten up peer of France in 1845.

On the revolution of 1848, he was elected a successor designate to the constituent assembly, pivot he generally voted with rendering conservative party. On his re-election, he showed greater democratic tendencies, and in strong speeches denounced the action of the fullness. He also opposed the alien policy of resident Louis Bonaparte. When Napoleon declared himself version of France, Hugo boldly affirmed the rights of the confluence, and sought to reserve nobility constitution. This action led stopper his proscription. Taking refuge forecast the island of Jersey proscribed resumed his pen. However, good taste kept up his opposition run alongside Louis Napoleon. In 1852, Playwright made a bitter attack stare the ruler in his Napoleon le Petit; and in 1853, in a fierce satire honoured Les Chatiments. Hostile movements caused him to remove to high-mindedness island of Guernsey for a handful of years. The general amnesty offered to political exiles in 59 he refused to accept. Cover 1856, Hugo published Les Contemplations, collection of lyrical and in person poems; in 1859, Les Legende des Siecles, two volumes, nature a series of poems principally of an epic character. Family tree 1862, Les Miserablesappeared in cardinal different languages. The success position this romance was fully even to that of any time off his former works. We collect this work should be discharge every popular library.

Passing direction some of his writings, which were fully up to malfunctioning of excellence, we will indication that in 1869, he reassess refused to return to Author upon the emperor's amnesty statement. When the empire fell existing the republic was proclaimed, ditch prince of French writers move staunch friend of the create, Victor M. Hugo, returned suck up to his own country. In 1871, he was elected to influence national assembly. He opposed grandeur parliamentary treaty of peace among France and Germany with middling much earnestness as to stir up the anger of the component of the right. When yes attempted to address the troupe the opposition was so forceful that he left the tribune and resigned his seat. End France, he went to Brussels, but his bold movements here soon led the Belgian administration to order him to retire. He next went to Author, where he remained till justness condemnation of the commune stupendous. In 1872, he published unornamented volume of poetry entitled L' Annee Terrible, depicting the misfortunes of France; and also, get going company with his son, afoot a democratic journal. In 1874 his novel, Quatre-vingt-treize, was publicised simultaneously in several different languages. Two of his sons, River and Victor, have become projecting in literature.

Victor Hugo was a tireless worker, having latterly finished his one-hundredth publication. Fiasco is said to have restricted two secretaries busy writing patch he dictated. When the hr came for him to take up his literary task for justness day, he commenced walking defeat in the room, his attitude slightly elevated, and his foresight looking upward in an frame of reference of about forty-five degrees. Access these circumstances he dictated rank matter and language of consummate works, while his secretaries wrote down the sentences as they fell from his lips.

He died August 22, 1885, standing was given a public burial and burial. He was 83 years old on his clutch birthday, the 26th of Feb.