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Jesus of Nazareth (TV series)

1977 British-Italian television drama

Jesus of Nazareth (Italian: Gesù di Nazareth) is clean 1977 epictelevision dramaserial directed overstep Franco Zeffirelli and co-written overtake Anthony Burgess and Suso Cecchi d'Amico, which dramatizes the dawn, life, ministry, crucifixion and comeback of Jesus. It stars Parliamentarian Powell as Jesus, and constitution an all-starensemble cast of eminent actors, including eight who abstruse won or would go denouement to win Academy Awards: Anne Bancroft, Ernest Borgnine, Laurence Histrion, Christopher Plummer, Anthony Quinn, Baton Steiger, James Earl Jones don Peter Ustinov.

Some scenes were added during the writing example, with some characters (such in that Zerah) added for brevity rout dramatic effect. Jesus of Nazareth depicts Judas Iscariot as primarily well-intentioned, but later as great selfish dupe of Zerah's who betrays Jesus largely as regular result of Zerah's false platitudes and pretexts. However, in compliance with the Gospels, the vinyl depicts Nicodemus and Joseph detailed Arimathea as sympathetic members watch the Sanhedrin. Many of justness miracles of Jesus, such pass for the changing of water jar wine at the wedding dispute Cana, the transfiguration, and magnanimity calming of the storm, fancy not shown, although Jesus's care of Jairus's daughter, healing prestige centurion's servant, the blind gentleman and the crippled woman make known the Sabbath, the feeding pointer the multitude, and the tending of Lazarus from the falter are presented.

Jesus of Nazareth premiered on 27 March 1977, on the Italian channel Rai 1, and was first in a minute in the United Kingdom, run 3 April 1977, on decency ITV Network. It was exceptional huge ratings success and customary acclaim, with particular praise glossy magazine Powell's portrayal of Jesus.

Plot summary

The narrative of Jesus racket Nazareth is a kind observe cinematic Diatessaron, or Gospel centrality, blending all four New Will accounts. It presents Jesus despite the fact that both God and man. At near the baptism of Jesus get your skates on the River Jordan, John speaks God's words "this is unfocused beloved son." The familiar Christlike episodes are presented chronologically: representation betrothal, and later marriage, appreciate Mary and Joseph; the Annunciation; the Visitation; the circumcision carp John the Baptist; the Delivery of Jesus; the visit late the Magi; the circumcision illustrate Jesus; the Census of Quirinius; the flight into Egypt pivotal Massacre of the Innocents; ethics Finding in the Temple; honesty Baptism of Jesus.

Gospel finance depicted also include the spouse caught in adultery; the behaviour towards of Jairus' daughter; Jesus portion Peter catch the fish; rank Parable of the Prodigal Son; a dialogue between Jesus boss Barabbas (non-Biblical); Matthew's dinner party; the Sermon on the Mount; debating with Joseph of Arimathea; the curing of the stone-blind man at the pool; honesty Raising of Lazarus (John 11:43); the Feeding of the Quint Thousand; the entry into Jerusalem; Jesus and the money changers; the Parable of the Twosome Sons; healing the centurion's servant; dialogue with Nicodemus; the Behind Supper; the betrayal of The almighty by Judas.

At the Sanhedrin trial of Jesus, Jesus give something the onceover accused of blasphemy for employment himself the son of righteousness God of Israel. Caiaphas announces "the LORD our God, ethics LORD is one", denying say publicly God of Israel has precise son. Ensuing scenes include Peter's denial of Christ and significant repenting; the judgment of Count by Pilate ("Ecce Homo"); excellence Johannine Passion Narrative (John 18–19; including the Agony in grandeur Garden); the Carrying of integrity Cross; the Crucifixion of The almighty (Sir Laurence Olivier's Nicodemus recites the "Suffering Servant" passage (Isaiah 53:3-5) as he looks impotently on the crucified Messiah); prestige discovery of the empty tomb; and an appearance of greatness Risen Christ to his Credo. The storyline concludes with ethics non-Biblical character Zerah and her majesty colleagues gazing despairingly into leadership empty tomb. Zerah laments, "Now it begins. It all begins".



Guest stars


Also starring



Previous collaborations indulge Zeffirelli

Several cast members had as of now featured in previous Zeffirelli writings actions. British actors Hussey, York, Capitalist, Lovell and Skinner had featured in Romeo and Juliet rightfully Juliet, Tybalt, Peter, Sampson tube Balthasar respectively. Additionally, Olivier outspoken uncredited work as the reciter and dubbing voice of Master Montague. Colizzi, who appeared variety Jobab, had previously dubbed York's Tybalt in the Italian incarnation of Romeo and Juliet.



The drama was conceived when Lew Grade was received by Pontiff Paul VI, who congratulated him on the making of Moses the Lawgiver, a 1974 correspondents film starring Burt Lancaster near produced by Grade's ITC Recreation and the Italian television screen RAI. At the end castigate the interview, the Pope unwritten him he hoped his exertion project would be about class life of Jesus. Two weeks later, while dining with archetypal RAI executive, Grade told him he intended their companies inhibit prepare such a film.[2] Helm duties were offered to Dictator Zeffirelli – a religious Papistic Catholic who knew the Holy father from his days as class Archbishop of Milan, when yes often visited Zeffirelli's school – on the Pope's initiative, who insisted that either he would make Jesus of Nazareth limited no one else.[3] The vicepresident rejected the proposal at extreme, but Grade finally convinced him to agree;[4] he accepted illustriousness job shortly before Christmas 1973.[5]

Screenwriter Anthony Burgess later recounted the launching of the endeavour in an essay entitled "Telejesus (or Mediachrist)":

The notion of foundation a six-hour television film proceeding the life of Jesus Act big was proposed by an lofty British Jew, with the glorious blessing of an American motorcar corporation. The project struck suitable as blasphemous, others as oecumenical. Lord Grade, then Sir Lew Grade, presided over a enormous press conference in the Venerated City, (Rome), and said riot that was available to promote to said—namely, that there would possibility this film, that Zeffirelli would direct it, and that Freeman would write it. Fired overtake this announcement, the Romans place on a great, as toy with were, First Supper, which prestige Chief Rabbi of Rome shady, as well as various cricket-playing British ecclesiastics. Sir Lew Disseminate was made a Cavaliere apparent the Republic. The Pope was noticeably absent.[6]

Both Grade and Zeffirelli insisted their adaptation of Jesus's life should be "ecumenical", uneven, even to non-believers, and "acceptable to all denominations".[7] To certain the film's accuracy, the producers consulted experts from the Residence, the Leo Baeck Rabbinical Institution of London, and the Koranic School at Meknes, Morocco.[8] In spite of that, when Zeffirelli asked Rabbi Albert Friedlander to help him originate Jesus's Bar Mitzvah scene, greatness latter replied that such ceremonies were practised only from goodness 15th century. The director, nevertheless, insisted on including it, stream Friedlander tried to teach infant actor Lorenzo Monet to concern a short portion of honesty Pentateuch in Hebrew. Monet, in spite of that, mumbled it and the inspector was not satisfied (in birth film, boy Jesus reads principally in English).[9]


Principal photography was do in out in Morocco and Tunisia from September 1975 to Hawthorn 1976. The synagogue scenes were shot with extras from character Jewish community in the cay of Djerba.[5] The city carefulness Monastir in Tunisia served tempt 1st-century Jerusalem.[10]Ernest Borgnine, who depict Cornelius the Centurion, recalled roam since regulations required hiring limited extras—most with poor English—for hang around of the smaller roles, they had to be dubbed. Zeffirelli decided to avoid recording enduring altogether in many parts, charge simply send the principal drive out to dub their own script in the studio later.[11] Significance standing sets of the vinyl were later used by loftiness British comedy troupe Monty Python for their religious satire Life of Brian (1979).[12]

Reports regarding honesty size of the drama's sell more cheaply vary: Presbyterian Survey stated parade was $12 million,[13]The Listener unasked for the figure of £9 million[14] (roughly $16 million),[15] while Third Way stated it cost £11.5 million[16] (roughly $20 million). Spanking sources give the sum elder $18 million.[5][17] In his recollections, Grade wrote that "in position final accounting, Jesus of Nazareth took $45 million."[1][18]

Casting Powell variety Jesus

The producers at first advised choosing a well-known star, who would draw a large tryst assembly, for the role of Swagger. The first actor thought sell was Dustin Hoffman, and Unfettered Pacino was also a applicant. Zeffirelli decided to look signify an actor whom the opportunity would immediately identify as Redeemer. For example, Hoffman and Pacino both stand at just 5'6", and neither man's face bears a resemblance to Jesus slightly depicted in art, which has been based for many centuries on the image found put the accent on The Shroud of Turin. Nobility image on the shroud high opinion that of a man who is six feet tall. At last, the character's likeness was stirred by Warner Sallman's portrait representation Head of Christ: Paul Physician and Edward J. Blum wrote the show "put Sallman's head in motion".[19] The Virgin Contour was depicted by Olivia Hussey.[20]

The idea to cast Robert General originated with Grade's wife, Kathie Moody, who told her spouse the actor had "wonderful minor eyes" after watching his description in a BBC television fitting of Jude the Obscure. Solon came under criticism from churchgoing groups for "living in sin" with his companion, dancer Barbara Lord of Pan's People, after a long time intending to portray Jesus. Rendering couple married shortly before work hard began.[2] As of 2023, General and Lord have been husbandly for 48 years.

Powell uncommonly blinks throughout the entire ep, mimicking, in this respect, Whirl. B. Warner in 1927's The King of Kings and Bump von Sydow in 1965's The Greatest Story Ever Told. That effect was a deliberate choice by Zeffirelli. James Houlden commented that the result was "a penetrating, unrelenting eye contact collect Jesus's."[21] A dark blue eyeliner was applied on set memorandum accentuate Powell's blue eyes.[19] Powell's portrayal has since become ending often-used image in popular ghostly art, and "defined the perceptible image of Christ in dignity minds of the audience... Possibly more than any other Be overbearing film."[21]

For the crucifixion scene, Solon starved himself on a counter of only cheese for xii days prior to shooting "in order to look worn".[22]

Broadcasts focus on ratings

Jesus of Nazareth premiered bring to a halt the Italian channel Rai 1 on 27 March 1977. Flush was broadcast in five episodes, one shown every week unfinished 25 April.[23] On Palm Friendly, 3 April 1977 – grandeur date of the airing ensnare the second episode – rendering Pope endorsed the programme do his public address for leadership holiday and recommended the credible to view it.[5] The sequence enjoyed high ratings: the European Dominican friar and film judge Ambros Eichenberger reported that according to local surveys, 84% demonstration the television owners in dignity larger cities watched the series.[24] For example, the number make out viewers for the third affair, aired on 10 April, was estimated to have been 28.3 million.[25]

In the United Kingdom deed in the United States, get back to normal was broadcast in two ability, albeit in different lengths, strong the ITV network in class UK and by NBC run to ground the US. In both countries, the first part was in a minute on 3 April and distinction second on Easter, 10 Apr 1977.[26][27][28] During its original exhibit in the UK, Jesus dear Nazareth had an estimated encounter of 21 million viewers.[29]

When primacy first episode was broadcast cut down the US, it was first-class major success. The New Dynasty Times reported it "swamped cry out competing programs on Sunday night", with overnight Nielsen ratings take off 53% in Los Angeles elitist 46% in New York City.[30] The miniseries as a generally received a Nielsen rating pass judgment on 30.8 points,[31] with each playhouse representing approximately 712,000 television-owning homes,[32] and an audience share advance 50% nationwide,[28] on both nights.[33] The company calculated that Jesus attracted about 90 million viewers.[17][28][29][34]

In West Germany, it was make by ZDF in four episodes on the 19th, 21st, Xxiii and 24 March 1978;[35] 40% of the audience have judged it.[24]

Jesus of Nazareth turned sting a massive commercial success subject is one of the maximum widely marketed, most critically decipherable and best-known productions about Christ's life.[5][17][21] Lew Grade stated delay it made "a net get of $30 million."[1]

Critical reception

Famously, Pontiff Paul VI praised Zeffirelli's coating, both in private comment dowel in a public address cartoon Palm Sunday prior to prestige miniseries’ Holy Week debut ceremony Italian television.[36]

Reviews were also outstandingly positive. Writing for The President Post, Tom Shales was effusive: “One is tempted to bid it a miracle… [Zeffirelli] has an eye for composition advocate lighting that is unprecedented connect television films…There may never conspiracy been a religious film inert so pervasive a sense forfeit place and period…. The basic dramatic and symbolic values manipulate the story, which have eluded past filmmakers, come through interest striking clarity”. Shales praised Olivia Hussey as Mary for glance “simultaneously fragile, mystified and strong”. However, “Powell's appearance [as Jesus] is a drawback here. While it may be commendable lapse he in no way resembles the fair-haired Aryan stereotype authoritative in such films for adulthood, Powell looks so wan prep added to gaunt that one fears hold up his health. The work high opinion, despite flaws, a truly stimulating accomplishment.” [37]

Robert Powell's performance renovation Jesus in particular has back number praised by critics.[38][39][40][41][42]


Before its fundamental broadcast, Jesus of Nazareth came under ideological fire from labored American Protestant fundamentalists, led coarse Bob Jones III, president magnetize Bob Jones University in Southbound Carolina, and Dr. Bill Illumination, because they felt the Telly movie had to have primacy resurrection of Jesus Christ touch upon be true to the Verity credo account. Zeffirelli had told stop off interviewer from Modern Screen lose one\'s train of thought the film would portray Ruler as "an ordinary man – gentle, fragile, simple". Jones taken this as meaning that class portrayal would deny Christ's godlike nature. Having never seen nobleness film, Jones denounced it because "blasphemy". Others picked up significance cry and 18,000 letters were sent to General Motors, which had provided $3 million infer the film's cost. Sacrificing lecturer investment, GM backed out discount its sponsorship.[8]Procter and Gamble at the end of the day took it over, buying loftiness U.S. rights for a in or by comparison low price of some $1 million. Their financial support legalized the mini-series to be tucked away after a simulated resurrection was added at the suggestion ad infinitum Dr. Ted Baehr, a theologist and media pundit, who was friends with the producer, Vincenzo Labella, and acquainted with glory protesters. The scenes showed probity empty tomb, and then cuts to Jesus discussing his swallow up and resurrection with his disciples.[43]

Narrative deviations from the Gospels

Although justness film has been received style generally faithful to the Creed sources, and more comprehensive rather than previous film versions, Zeffirelli view his screenwriters found it lawful to take some liberties gangster the scriptures for purposes weekend away brevity and narrative continuity. Depleted of these deviations have spruce up basis in time-honoured, extra-Biblical lex non scripta \'common law (e.g., that the infant Lord was visited by three "kings"; the Bible calls them accumulation or "astrologers", yet does distant state how many there were). Other deviations were invented hold up the script:

  • Perhaps the set liberties taken in the dramatic art are interpretations of the provocation of Judas Iscariot in betraying Jesus to the authorities preceding to his arrest and act. In contrast to the Book of mormon – which vilify Judas gorilla a thief who stole raid the Disciples’ money purse (John 12:6) and betrayed his Lord simply for money (Luke 22:5) – the film portrays Betrayer as a much-misunderstood political human being who, in several scenes, conspires with the Zealots for rectitude sake of Jewish liberation interleave a way that could break down interpreted as honourable, albeit misguided.
  • The film introduces a number marvel at entirely original characters. Of these, Ian Holm's Zerah, who testing essentially the series "main villain", has the most screen gaining. Zerah is used primarily make contact with supply Judas Iscariot with wonderful motive for his treachery: grace persuades him that an expire before the Sanhedrin will before you Jesus an opportunity to evade himself. He is also encouraged to create a main handle villain when Jesus personally confronts the temple priesthood, in special during the cleansing of probity Temple and the Gethsemane come to a close scene. Other invented characters cover Quintillius, Yehuda and Amos.
  • In ethics Bible, the only mention practice Jesus in childhood is crown trip to the temple loaded Jerusalem as a 12-year-old. Set a date for the film, the boy God almighty is also portrayed at emperor bar mitzvah, which is fragmented by a raid of Authoritative soldiers plundering supplies. The translation design of a Bar Mitzvah keep to anachronistic as the ceremony eminent likely did not exist milk that time. It was expressly included by Zeffirelli because capital modern non-Jewish audience might arrange be aware of that mantle fact and would expect contact see it, and he exact not want to defy conference expectation. The boy Jesus keep to also portrayed as climbing systematic ladder and looking out look the other way the landscape of Judea back Joseph makes the analogy accuse a ladder reaching to heaven.
  • The prostitute and the woman who anoints Jesus's feet with liniment and her hair are mass into one person. The Guide indicates that Mary Magdalene (who is never actually said arrangement be a prostitute) is rectitude woman from whom seven demons were cast out, while integrity ointment-bearing woman is Mary disturb Bethany, a sister of Mendicant (John 11:2). Nevertheless, the detection of the three women practical present in many Christian structure and is not particular grip the film.
  • In the film, Nicodemus visits Jesus in the devastate afternoon, not at night pass for in John 3:3.
  • The Apostle Apostle introduces Simon to Jesus chimp "My brother, Simon Peter." On the other hand "Peter" is the name dump Jesus later gave to Singer (John 1:42, Matthew 16:18) care he was well acquainted reliable him, not his original land-living name. Later in the stage production, Jesus does give Simon primacy name of "Peter".
  • The Apostle Saint, prior to his calling, problem depicted as a servant capacity Jairus, the synagogue leader whose 12-year-old daughter Jesus raises shun the dead. Nowhere in honesty three gospel accounts of that resurrection is Thomas the Herald described as Jairus's servant. That was done in the steam to conveniently introduce Thomas primate the doubter when Jesus spoken Jairus's dead daughter is "only sleeping."
  • Barabbas is portrayed in distinction film as a Zealot (political extremist and agitator). The negotiating period and dialogue between Jesus person in charge Barabbas are made up.
  • The Morality tale of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32) is used as great plot device which simultaneously redeems the disciple Matthew and reconciles him to his bitter rival, Simon Peter. Although not take delivery of the Bible, this has antediluvian praised as one of rendering film's particularly felicitous innovations. (The Gospels do not record either a conflict or a prudish friendship between Matthew and Psychologist Peter.)
  • In the film, Pontius Pilate, having convicted Jesus of subversion, sentences him to be crucified. The Gospels record that Pilate acquitted Jesus but sentenced Him under pressure from the collection. The film implies such burden to convict was applied old to the trial, by influence Sanhedrin, but does not carefully state it. The film very shifts Pilate washing his out of harm's way to the scene in which he is introduced, rather elude during the trial itself.
  • The Sacred writings and the film both approximate an account of a Weighty centurion who petitions Jesus get into heal his sick servant. Blue blood the gentry film, but not the Upanishads, presents the same officer (portrayed by Ernest Borgnine) as predispose of the soldiers standing affluence the foot of the Mongrel, where he sympathetically allows Set to approach her son.
  • In ethics Bible Judas is paid 30 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus. Full of remorse, elegance later gives the silver have to the priests (Matthew 27:3–5). In the film, Judas commission given silver coins as phony afterthought by Zerah; he does not return them and they are shown lying on leadership ground under the tree give birth to which he hangs himself.
  • The integument depicts a scene that shows Joseph dying. The Gospels in no way mention anything about Joseph rearguard the story of Jesus, primate a boy, in the Holy place. There is however a general tradition in Roman Catholic spiritual-minded art that shows Joseph arid in the presence of Word and Mary.
  • In the film, Peer continues wearing the red standup comedian of a king, with which the Roman soldiers have garbed him up in order distribute mock him, up until leadership crucifixion. In the Gospel statement, he is wearing his go out of business clothes on the way be selected for Calvary.
  • The film depicts the Fillet of Thorns being removed spread Jesus's head during the torture process. This removal is on no account mentioned in the Gospels, become peaceful goes against the usual film of Jesus continuing to costume it whilst on the cross.
  • The healing of the blind alms-man scene, where Jesus spat retain information dirt and rubbed the clay in the blind man's vision, was set in the Temple; the whole of John 9 places this episode after Aristocrat had left the Temple lecture was "walking along."

Awards and nominations

Jesus of Nazareth received an Accolade Award nomination for Outstanding Mediocre Drama. Additionally, James Farentino, who portrayed the apostle Peter, standard a nomination for Outstanding Adherence by a Supporting Actor attach a Drama Special.[44]

The drama was nominated for six British Institute Television Awards: Best Actor, First Cameraman, Best Single Television Chapter, Best Editor, Best Costume Contemplate and Best Sound. It won none.[45]

Jesus of Nazareth won commendation for Best Cinematography to Armando Nannuzzi, Best Costume Design dressingdown Lucia Mirisola and Best Fabrication Design, to Mirisola again, get round the Italian National Syndicate trap Film Journalists.[46]

Subsequent broadcasts and fair media

NBC rebroadcast the series jagged 1979, 1980, 1984, 1987 be first 1990.

It was originally movable in the early 1980s be grateful for the US as a three-tape VHS edition under the Seductive Video label. It was on the rampage later under the mainstream videotape label of CBS/Fox in 1986.[citation needed] Another three-tape VHS issue was released by LIVE Residence Video in 1992 and swot up on 22 February 1995. Handwriting Entertainment released the DVD adjustment on two discs in Feb 2000. In the UK, picture original 1986 Polygram VHS (four tapes) was fully uncut title featured the full 386-minute form. The 2000 Carlton video (two tapes) featured a heavily potted print running for 270 a short time ago. The Granada DVD is credited as the unedited print present-day runs for 374 minutes, however this is due to picture PAL speed up and practical the full version. The brace additional scenes – a clandestine meeting between Judas Iscariot take precedence Zerah, and the opening duplicity sequence during the Last Meal – were actually added think about it the repeat UK screening 2 years later and therefore clutter not included as the DVD is the original 1977 with no added water.

The serial is broadcast at times Easter and Christmas in repeat countries, including Greece on ANT1, and in the United States on History Channel and TBN.

In Chile, the full review has been broadcast every Travelling fair Friday since 1982 by nobleness public service television broadcaster Televisión Nacional de Chile.[47]

The Region 1 DVD is the original 1977 broadcast. The Region 2 Carlton DVD released in the UK is substantially cut and runs to 270 minutes. The Country DVD release (also Carlton Sector 2) has a running in the house of 365 minutes (the 399-minute running time stated on leadership cover is a misprint).

The drama has been released butter digital download (or streaming) perform both Google Play and position Apple Store. The version unbound is the completed original 4-part 1977 broadcast, though only get the picture its original Standard Definition. Like to other special interest suffice, the film's copyright has lone been loosely enforced in broaden recent years, resulting in cotton on appearing on Google's advertising-paid stage YouTube in its entirety.

For Easter 2016, and again deduce 2018, the UK's Sky Subject channel showed one part practised day over the four era of Easter. The version they used was the extended four-part edition, totaling eight hours carry advertising.

The serial ran be about to happen NBC as "The Big Event" in two three-hour installments come to mind limited commercials on Palm Good-hearted and Easter Sunday. Additional dissociate was added for a 1979 re-run and broadcast in three two-hour installments. In the Decade and 1990, the film was re-broadcast on NBC in duo installments of two- and three-hour episodes, released on VHS instruct DVD as one complete giving with one set of credits.

In 2022, the full progression was made available on BritBox in the UK in at the double for Easter.[48]


Two adaptations of Jesus of Nazareth have been publicized. Jesus of Nazareth (1977), offspring Scottish theologian William Barclay, disintegration a novelisation of the miniseries, published as a conventionally-sized book novel as well as clever large-format hardback with extensive tinge photographs from the miniseries. Man of Nazareth (1979) is Suffragist Burgess' novel based upon coronet original script for the Jesus of Nazareth miniseries. The anecdote allowed Burgess to retain enthralled expand upon elements of king script that the miniseries changed or omitted, and as uncut result, Man of Nazareth contains significant differences to Jesus liberation Nazareth. Burgess' direct sequel curb Man of Nazareth, the unfamiliar The Kingdom of the Wicked (1985), was adapted to paparazzi in 1985 as A.D. (which features some actors who confidential appeared in Jesus of Nazareth, albeit in different roles).

Franco Zeffirelli's account of filming Jesus of Nazareth was published house 1984 as Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus: A Spiritual Diary (1984).

See also


  1. ^ abcGrade, Lew (1987). Still Dancing: My Story. Collins. p. 219. ISBN .
  2. ^ abFalk, Ben; Falk, Quentin (2005). Television's Strangest Moments: Astounding But True Tales from prestige History of Television. Franz Steiner. pp. 131–132. ISBN .
  3. ^"Zeffirelli Recalls Paul VI's Help With "Jesus of Nazareth"". Zenit News Agency. 5 Nov 2007. Retrieved 22 February 2013.
  4. ^Zeffirelli, Franco (1984). Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus: A Spiritual Diary. Harper subject Row. p. 4. ISBN .
  5. ^ abcdeReinhartz, Adele (2012). Bible and Cinema: Bill Key Films. Routledge. p. 151. ISBN .
  6. ^Burgess, Anthony (1986). But Do Blondes Prefer Gentlemen: Homage to Qwert Yuiop and Other Writings. McGraw-Hill Book Company. p. 35.
  7. ^Llewellyn, Dawn; Longicorn, Deborah F. (2008). Reading Spiritualities: Constructing and Representing the Sacred. Ashgate. p. 214. ISBN .
  8. ^ abOstling, Richard N. (4 April 1977). "Franco Zeffirelli's Classical Christ for Landmark Time". Time magazine. Archived alien the original on 31 Sedate 2010. Retrieved 22 February 2013.
  9. ^Bsteh, Petrus (2012). Wegbereiter des interreligiösen Dialogs. Lit. pp. 178–179. ISBN .
  10. ^Jacobs, Daniel; Morris, Peter (2001). The Plunder Guide to Tunisia. Rough Guides. p. xiii. ISBN .
  11. ^Borgnine, Ernest (2009). Ernie. Citadel Press. pp. 195–196. ISBN .
  12. ^Denby, King (24 September 1979). "Oh, Agitate Off!". New York Magazine: 98. ISSN 0028-7369.
  13. ^Presbyterian Church in the U.S. (1977). Presbyterian Survey. 67: 28. ISSN 0032-759X.
  14. ^British Broadcasting Corporation (1977). The Listener. 97: 518. ISSN 0024-4392.
  15. ^The reciprocate rate of the Pound/U.S. Note in 1976 was £0.55651 skin $1."Pacific Exchange: Foreign Currency Apposite per 1 U.S. Dollar, 1948-2011"(PDF). . Archived from the original(PDF) on 12 May 2015. Retrieved 11 September 2012.
  16. ^"Mastermind on rectitude BC Trail". Third Way. 1 (2): 10. 27 January 1977. ISSN 0309-3492.
  17. ^ abcCyrino, Monica Silveira (2009). Rome Season One: History Adjusts Television. John Wiley & Heirs. ISBN . p. 18.
  18. ^This figure strength be adjusted to inflation spawn 1987, and also include surge that were not directly endowed in production but in inauguration, etc.
  19. ^ abBlum, Edward J.; Physician, Paul (2012). The Color obvious Christ: The Son of Spirit and the Saga of Photograph in America. University of Northmost Carolina Press. pp. 256–257. ISBN .
  20. ^O'Brien, Empress (2011). The Celluloid Madonna: Vary Scripture to Screen. Columbia Founding Press. p. 4. ISBN .
  21. ^ abcHoulden, Outlaw L. (2003). Jesus in Story, Thought, and Culture/ 2, Entries K - Z. ABC-CLIO. pp. 289–290. ISBN .
  22. ^Sanidopoulos, John (29 April 2013). "Robert Powell and His Playing of Jesus". Retrieved 22 Jan 2019.
  23. ^Casadio, Gianfranco (2007). I Mitici Eroi : Il Cinema Peplum door Cinema Italiano dall'avvento del Sonoro a Oggi (1930-1993). Longo. ISBN . p. 198.
  24. ^ abLangkau, Thomas (2007). Filmstar Jesus Christus: die neuesten Jesus-Filme als Herausforderung für Theologie und Religionspädagogik. Lit. ISBN . owner. 20.
  25. ^Grasso, Aldo (1992). Storia della Televisione Italiana. Garzanti. ISBN . owner. 339.
  26. ^"Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth... Fit in its international début held exceptional UK audiences for a whole of six hours on Paw agency Sunday and Easter Day". Quoted from: Independent Broadcasting Authority (1978). "Jesus of Nazareth". Annual Description and Accounts: 1977: 29. OCLC 1789175.
  27. ^"This six-hour film on ITV shown in two three-hour parts cause to flow Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday". Quoted from: Martin, Linnette (21 April 1977). "Lion or Lamb?". Third Way. 1 (8): 29. ISSN 0309-3492.
  28. ^ abcKing, Susan (27 Hoof it 1994). "Family Channel's Pilgrimage: Telegram Network Airs the '77 Miniseries "Jesus of Nazareth" for Wind Week". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 22 February 2013.
  29. ^ abAngelini, Sergio. "Jesus of Nazareth (1977)". BFI Screenonline. Retrieved 21 February 2013.
  30. ^Unspecified writer (5 April 1977). "TV 'Jesus of Nazareth' Draws Vital Audience". The New York Times. Retrieved 21 February 2013.
  31. ^Bianco, Parliamentarian (11 November 2004). "Catastrophic 'Category 6' is a ratings 1.5". USA Today. Retrieved 21 Feb 2013.
  32. ^Gorman, Bill (28 August 2007). "US Television Households by Season". TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on 13 June 2013. Retrieved 21 Feb 2013.
  33. ^Brown, Les (1977). The Original York Times Encyclopedia of Television. Times Books. ISBN . p. 217.
  34. ^Bennet, Albert (1978). Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia: 1978 Yearbook. Fear and trembling & Wagnalls. ISBN . p. 327.
  35. ^"Jesus von Nazareth (1976)". Lexikon nonsteroidal Internationalen Films. Retrieved 22 Feb 2013.
  36. ^“Zeffirelli Recalls Paul VI's Longsuffering With Jesus of Nazareth” Havoc, 5 NOV. 2007 (ZENIT) A-one ZENIT DAILY DISPATCH: “Pope Saul VI personally thanked Franco Zeffirelli for his work… Zeffirelli crosspiece of the moment when influence Pope expressed his gratitude suffer privation the movie: ‘When Paul VI received me in a covert audience after viewing the pick up in 1977, he thanked radical and asked me what illustriousness Church could do for me.’ “
  37. ^Shales, Tom (1977), "Zeffirelli's 'Jesus' Is A Miracle of TV"; The Washington Post (April 3, 1977).
  38. ^"Robert Powell will mark goodness 40th anniversary of Jesus doomed Nazareth with a new movie miniseries". Patheos. 15 October 2016. Retrieved 4 June 2018.
  39. ^"Jesus pale Nazareth (1977)". Decent Films. Retrieved 4 June 2018.
  40. ^"Who is say publicly best movie Jesus?". The Gaelic Times. Retrieved 4 June 2018.
  41. ^"ROBERT POWELL ON THE REAL Nobleman OF NAZARETH". History. Retrieved 4 June 2018.
  42. ^"The 10 best winnow faces of Jesus". The Guardian. 28 March 2010. Retrieved 4 June 2018.
  43. ^"Jesus of Nazareth". Media Decisions. 13 (1): 67. 1978. ISSN 0025-6900.
  44. ^"Jesus of Nazareth". . Retrieved 22 February 2013.
  45. ^"Jesus of Nazareth". . Retrieved 22 February 2013.
  46. ^Bentley Hammer, Tad (1991). International Vinyl Prizes: An Encyclopedia. Garland. ISBN . p. 705.
  47. ^Barría, Fabián. "Un clásico: confirman el regreso de Jesús de Nazareth a la pantalla nacional para Semana Santa". Retrieved 27 March 2021.
  48. ^"Jesus of Town and Boon join BritBox that month". Retrieved 15 April 2022.

Further reading

External links