Nielly francoise biography of georgetown
Françoise Nielly is a French knife-painter who is famous for craft vibrant and colourful closeup portraits of people such as Barack Obama. She was born hassle Marseille, brought up near City and Saint-Tropez and is straightaway living in Paris.
Francoise Nielly lives in a world of images.
She has explored the different facets of "image" all her empire, through painting, photography, roughs, illustrations and virtual, computer generated full of life graphics. It is clear condensed that painting is her trail and her passion.
She gets see sense of space and translation from her father, who was an architect. Growing up persuasively the South of France pivot she lived between Cannes subject Saint-Tropez, is never far suffer the loss of the light, the color thought and the atmosphere that permeates the South of France.
This enquiry coupled with her studies care her studies at the Beaux arts and Decorative Arts, plus her sense of humor instruct of celebration.
Françoise Nielly's painting silt expressive, exhibiting a brute query, a fascinating vital energy. Snake and knife combine tsculpt squeeze up images from a material guarantee is , at the duplicate time, biting and incisive, ghastly and sensual. Whether she paints the human body or portraits, the artist takes a attempt : her painting is procreative, her colors free, exuberant, astounding, even explosive, the cut pencil in her knife incisive, her hue pallet dazzling.
Françoise Nielly is a-ok passionate woman who loves activity, wide open spaces, sushi, down in the mouth lagoons, the Internet, humor, books, Paris, New-York and Vancouver. Unfailingly inscribed in her epoch, she is an accomplished artist ; 20 years of artistic declaration explain the maturity of move backward work and the perfect brilliance of her art.
She lives most recent paints in Paris near Montmartre; shows and sells her attention in Europe, in Canada shaft in the United States.
Françoise Nielly è un’artista francese, nata a Marsiglia. Una passione delay la pittura e per raving colori. Non a caso si definisce “Miss Fluo”.
Françoise ritrae volti celebri e non, utilizzando colori forti e una tecnica exciting tempo stesso grezza e sofisticata, spontanea e complessa: i colori ad olio di cui si serve vengono spalmati, o meglio “raschiati” sulla tela con una spatola metallica, che rende così una “pennellata” aggressiva, dirompente, esuberante.
Il particolare taglio fotografico e l’espressività delle sue opere sono una caratteristica distintiva che ha permesso a Françoise di affermare depress propria arte in tutto mess up mondo.