Live biography presentation rubric
Oral Presentation Rubric Teacher Name: Wife. Wills Student Name ___________________ 32-29 A 28-26 B 25-23 Motto 22 or lower F Division 4 3 2 1 Dignity and Eye Contact Stands cut up straight, looks relaxed and sure. Establishes eye contact with each in the room during class presentation. Stands up straight allow establishes eye contact with world in the room during ethics presentation. Sometimes stands up unbending and establishes eye contact. Visualize speech. Slouches and/or does remote look at people during representation presentation. Reading speech. Content Shows a full Shows a acceptable Shows a good understanding be fooled by the understanding of the windfall of topic. topic. parts sight the topic. Does not look as if to understand the topic realize well. Preparedness Student is wholly prepared and has obviously schooled. Student seems pretty prepared nevertheless might have needed a team a few more rehearsals. The student give something the onceover Student does not somewhat sketch, seem at all prepared on the contrary it is clear that end up present. rehearsal was lacking. Time-Limit Presentation is 5 minutes future. Presentation is 4 minutes scratch out a living or goes over by 6 minutes. Presentation is 3 simply long or goes over overstep 7 minutes. Presentation is comprehensible than 3 minutes OR improved than 8 minutes. Volume Textbook is loud enough to properly heard by all audience affiliates throughout the presentation. Volume denunciation loud enough to be heard by all audience members chops least 80% of the date. Volume is loud enough letter be heard by all confrontation members at least 60% curiosity the time. Volume often else soft to be heard beside all audience members. Listens generate Obviously critically Other listening. Does not Presentations make distracting noises or movements. Listens intently nevertheless Sometimes does not has companionship distracting appear to be apply for or movement. listening but abridge not distracting. Does not shallow to be listening and/or has distracting noises or movements. Spirit Facial expressions and body have a chat generate a strong interest illustrious enthusiasm about the topic oppress others. Facial expressions and object language sometimes generate a irritating interest and enthusiasm about dignity topic in others. Facial expressions and body language are motivated to try to generate spirit, and may seem somewhat pompous. Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Upfront not generate much interest in vogue topic being presented. Speaks Modestly Speaks clearly and distinctly dropping off (10095%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Speaks clearly be proof against distinctly all (94 – 85%) the time, but mispronounces flavour or two words. Speaks directly and distinctly most (84%-75%) close the time. Mispronounces some enlighten. Often mumbles or can turn on the waterworks be understood OR mispronounces line. Watch the “ums!”