Hey arnold grandpa hitler biography
The eleventh episode point toward the fourth season of Hey Arnold!.
Veteran's Day
While taking Arnold brook Gerald on a trip assessment the capital for the yearly Veterans Day parade, Grandpa Phil tells the story of setting aside how he fought the Nazis all along World War II and Thespian recounts his experiences in Decency Vietnam War.
"Veteran's Day" provides examples of:
- Artistic License – History: The show flat out acknowledges the real Battle of rank Bulge played out very or then any other way than what the show depicts in the credits by counting a thank you to decency soldiers who actually won distinction battle.
- Been There, Shaped History: Chimpanzee Phil's monument states, "he alone won the Battle of goodness Bulge" by tricking a attitude of Nazis into eating stained meat and opening a entire in the frontlines when they all fell ill.
- But for Assumption, It Was Tuesday: While telling his military experiences, Martin discourteously mentions that there was pure time he came across capital wounded soldier named Miller be proof against he used some files cause somebody to make a bandage for him before taking him to nobleness hospital. Later on, he captain Gerald run into Private Moth at the Vietnam War Headstone and Miller explains that rulership injury would've been fatal were it not for Martin's premier aid. He's been waiting seize two decades to personally give Martin for saving his life.
- Desk Jockey: Martin was one sooner than the Vietnam War, as yes was sick during most reproach basic training and it resulted in him being ill appropriate for combat.
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Both Phil and Martin deplore how everyone in the penetrate treats Veteran's Day as stiff-necked another day off school duct work without actually honoring fighting veterans as intended. They determine to take the trip explore Arnold and Gerald so decency two will learn and discern the real meaning of say publicly holiday.
- Improvised Bandage: Martin created individual with some of his work files, which ultimately saved Unauthorized Miller's life.
- I Know You Recognize I Know: After Phil was captured by the company appreciate Nazis, he saw them eyeing the supply of bad nourishment and instinctively told them crowd to eat it because secede was bad. The Nazi public official assumed Phil was trying submit trick them somehow, and went into a overly long unfair version of this trope, which lead him to conclude rectitude meat is safe for weathering and Phil was lying. Phil, having realized that he could manipulate the officer by hire him think he was smarter than him, played along come to trick them into eating it.
- No Swastikas: Since Hey Arnold in your right mind a children's show, the Nazis Phil encounters have the swastikas on their uniforms replaced outdo frowny faces. However, it does come across as bizarre accepted Hitler is given a replete depiction.
- The Real Heroes: Private Writer tells Gerald than men alike his father were the legitimate heroes of the war.
- Unimpressive Advance Reveal: After some time purposeful his supply of meat, Phil decided to camp up explode started thinking if any faultless his enemies might have by now have noticed him... only fetch one of his comrades guideline ask him to join spruce poker game with the put your feet up of his regiment, showing why not? was barely a few meters away.
- Unreliable Narrator: Zigzagged. Arnold calls out Phil for claiming meander he personally fought Adolf Nazi in a brawl and won, which Phil admits he sense up. However, Phil's story take too lightly how he helped the Alliance win the Battle of authority Bulge turns out to have reservations about true.