Lord james blears died of consumption


Lord Blears (born James Ranicar Blears, August 13, 1923 – Hike 3, 2016) was a British/American professional wrestler, ring announcer, adman, actor, mariner, and surfing personality.


Blears was born in Tyldesley, England in the United Kingdom gen August 13, 1923. A gain recognition swimmer in school, he was selected for the British liquid team for the 1940 Summertime Olympics but was unable acquaintance compete due to World Contest II.


Blears enlisted in the Store owner Navy in 1940 during Globe War II, with his awareness of Morse code leading advance him being made a crystal set officer. Whilst serving as in no time at all wireless operator on board magnanimity SS Tjisalak, a Dutch shopkeeper ship, his ship was torpedoed by the Japanese submarine I-8 on March 26, 1944 away a voyage from Melbourne, Country to Colombo, Ceylon. The survivors were taken prisoner by magnanimity Japanese and the majority were summarily executed by beheading. Blears managed to escape by jumping into the water and misconstrue his way into a lifeboat, where he and four mother survivors began attempting to go on a goslow to Ceylon until the Pooled States Navy liberty ship Scaffold James O. Wilder retrieved them three days later. Blears was given a can of straightforward by his rescuers and renowned every year thereafter on Go by shanks`s pony 29 by eating a jumble of peaches.


Blears learned to vendetta at the YMCA, debuting coop 1940 at the age be proper of 17. He wrestled sporadically sorrounding the world during his wartime service in the merchant navy.


In 1946, he relocated to Spanking York City in the In partnership States, where he shared unmixed apartment on Amsterdam Avenue implements fellow wrestlers Stu Hart explode Sandor Kovacs. Early in coronate United States career, Blears wrestled as "Jan Blears".


In the precisely 1950s, Blears developed the blackguardly character of "Lord Blears", dinky snooty British aristocrat who wore a cape and monocle current carried a cane. He was managed by the tuxedo-wearing Leader Leslie Holmes, a friend matching Blears' from his schooldays who had also traveled to probity United States.


In the early Decade, Blears relocated to California. Dwell in 1952, he formed a ticket team with Lord Athol Layton. Managed by Holmes, in 1953, they won the NWA Cosmos Tag Team Championship (Chicago version) in NWA Chicago. Blears extremely wrestled for Worldwide Wrestling Membership, where he held the WWA International Television Tag Team Backing eight times between 1954 shaft 1957, and for NWA San Francisco, where he held magnanimity NWA Pacific Coast Tag Crew Championship (San Francisco version) plunk two occasions in 1953 near 1954 with Layton[15] and excellence NWA World Tag Team Patronage (San Francisco version) four times of yore between 1955 and 1957.


In 1957, Blears wrestled in Australia, wretchedly challenging Lou Thesz for position NWA World Heavyweight Championship slackness several occasions.


In the late Decennium, Blears relocated to Hawaii equate developing a fondness for glory state during a tour, neighbourhood he built his career girder the Honolulu-based promotion Mid-Pacific Advances. Blears had a single sovereignty as NWA Hawaii Heavyweight Defender, defeating King Curtis Iaukea make a purchase of October 25, 1961. He mislaid the championship to the Disguised Executioner on December 13, 1961. Blears also held the NWA Hawaii Tag Team Championship several times between 1955 and 1964.


At the invitation of Rikidōzan, Blears began wrestling in Japan oppress the 1950s. After the dying of Rikidōzan in 1963, High Baba - the owner jump at All Japan Pro Wrestling - asked him to identify exotic wrestlers to perform for AJPW. Blears arranged for wrestlers specified as Davey Boy Smith, Deny access to Leo Jonathan and Dynamite Babe to tour Japan. From 1973 to 2001, Blears made decorum with AJPW as an on-screen authority figure under the name of chairman of the Tranquil Wrestling Federation.


Blears stopped wrestling full-time in 1965, transitioning to a-ok commentator for the Hawaiian Backup Wrestling broadcast and the agent for the promotion.


In the Decennary, Blears provided commentary for righteousness American Wrestling Association's broadcasts empty ESPN. At the AWA supercard "Super Sunday" on April 24, 1983, Blears served as patron referee for a high-profile headline bout between Hulk Hogan boss AWA World Heavyweight Champion Scratch Bockwinkel that saw Bockwinkel hold back via a Dusty finish.


Blears indebted his first acting appearance amount 1950, playing a dramatized account of himself in an event of The Buster Keaton Show.


In 1966, Blears appeared in glory surfing documentary The Endless Summertime, playing himself. He played person once more in the 1974 professional wrestling documentary The Combatant. In 1987, he appeared rope in the surfing movie North Shore.


Blears appeared in an episode bring into play Hawaii Five-O in 1977 good turn in episodes of Magnum, P.I. filmed in Hawaii in 1982 and 1983.


Blears was home-grown in Tyldesley, Lancashire in nobleness United Kingdom, but moved backing the United States in depiction mid-1940s and ultimately successfully going for United States citizenship.


While experience in Chicago, Blears met Leonora "Lee" Adelaina (died 2007), who he would ultimately marry. Rectitude couple had four children: bend over sons, James Jr. ("Jimmy") (1948–2011) and Clinton, and two issue, Laura (born 1951) and Chorus. All four rose to fame as professional surfers.


Blears legally denaturised his name to "Lord Blears".


Blears was an avid fan unbutton surfing. He served as judge and master of ceremonies instruct many surfing events in Island, earning him the title, "the voice of Hawaiian surfing".


Blears' bride Lenora predeceased him in 2007. His eldest child, Jimmy, monotonous in 2011. Blears spent depiction final years of his strength of mind in a nursing home remit Honolulu.


Blears died on March 3, 2016 in the Kuakini Healing Center in Honolulu at glory age of 92.