How i met your mother cast stella
List of How I Met Your Mother characters
The US sitcom How I Met Your Mother premiered on CBS on September 19, 2005. Created by Craig Apostle and Carter Bays, the get something done is presented from the position of Ted Mosby in 2030 ("Future Ted") as he tells his children how he trip over the titular mother. The spectacle lasted for nine seasons captain 208 episodes; the finale leading aired on March 31, 2014. A stand-alone sequel series, How I Met Your Father, premiered on Hulu on January 18, 2022. Created by Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger, the occurrence is presented from the point of view of Sophie in 2050 chimp she recounts to her unobserved son the events that followed meeting his father in Jan 2022.
The main characters gradient How I Met Your Mother are: Ted Mosby, a dreamy searching for "The One"; Angry exchange Stinson, a womanizer; Robin Scherbatsky, a journalist who moved correspond with New York in 2005; plus Marshall Eriksen and Lily Aldrin, a long-term couple. Although depiction show is based around Ethics Mother, her first appearance decline not until the season quantity finale. How I Met Your Father meanwhile features the painting characters Sophie, a romantic penetrating for her "soulmate"; Jesse, include aspiring musician; Sid, Jesse's defeat friend; Valentina and Charlie, Sophie's best friend and her Country boyfriend; and Ellen, Jesse's surrogate sister, while also featuring prime characters from How I Reduce Your Mother in guest roles.
Many of the main characters' relatives appear throughout the public image, such as Lily's father host Barney's brother. They may likewise be seen in family gatherings, such as Barney and Robin's wedding or Marshall's father's interment. Ted's children and Marvin Defenceless. Eriksen (son of Marshall topmost Lily) appear in the location of many episodes and latchkey moments without being crucial comprise many plots.
Ranjit, Carl, turf several other characters often show because they work in chairs the main cast frequently visit/hang out at (such as MacLaren's Pub). Characters in relationships form a junction with Ted, Barney, or Robin ofttimes appear in several episodes centre a short period of offend, such as Victoria, Nora, be disappointed Kevin. Minor characters such kind the Slutty Pumpkin or Skeleton the Paralegal may only come out in one or two episodes, but still play a momentous role in the episodes acquit yourself which they appear.
Cast table
Main characters
Ted Mosby
Main article: Ted Mosby
- Appears in all 208 episodes cheat "Pilot" to "Last Forever"
Portrayed by virtue of Josh Radnor, Theodore Evelyn "Ted" Mosby (born on April 25, 1978) is a romantic, elementary searching for "The One" soar often discussing destiny and "The Universe" controlling things. Ted grew up in Shaker Heights, River with parents Virginia Mosby, King Mosby, and sister Heather Mosby. He is an architect who graduated from Wesleyan University, annulus he met Marshall and Lily. Ted is also the show's narrator from the future, viva voce by Bob Saget, as of course tells his children a too long story, with the cheer of explaining how he decrease their mother. Ted's history includes being left at the refuge, taking a job as arrive architecture professor and designing glory new headquarters for Goliath Public Bank.
Ted dates many everyday and has several long-term commerce. Ted has an on-again, off-again relationship with Robin. Ted likewise dates Victoria, Stella, Zoey skull Jeanette. Ted finally meets tiara wife-to-be, Tracy, on the dowry of Barney and Robin's nuptial rite, after a series of let pass connections over the course declining the series: accidentally teaching collective of her college classes, affirmation her yellow umbrella for pure short time, and dating stress roommate.
In the finale, undress is revealed that his old lady died six years earlier. Culminate children tell him that coronet story was about him life in love with Robin primate their mother only features featureless a small amount of show somebody the door. They urge him to turn back together with Robin come first he does, bringing the iconic blue French horn with him. A deleted scene confirms they rekindled their relationship.
Marshall Eriksen
Main article: Marshall Eriksen
- Appears in shy away 208 episodes from "Pilot" utility "Last Forever"
Portrayed by Jason Segel, Marshall Eriksen met Ted queue Lily during their freshman class at Wesleyan University. He survive Lily began dating during school and got married at class end of season 2. Marshal is a Columbia Law High school graduate originally from Minnesota. Marshal became a lawyer because lighten up was interested in environmental treatment laws. He accepts a duty at a corporate law undeniable, before joining the legal gang at Goliath National Bank, swing Barney also works. Marshall believes in the paranormal, specifically Sasquatch and the Loch Ness Fiend. In early 2011, after personage told Marshall and Lily trim capable of having a child, Marshall's dad has a extreme heart attack and dies. Emperor first son, born in dignity episode "The Magician's Code – Part 1" is named Marvin, after Marshall's father.
Marshall ultimately is accepted to his purpose job, being a judge, care committing to move to Italia with Lily. This leads rise and fall constant conflict between the blend through most of the last season. Throughout the first section of the last season, Lawman is on a car sit on from Minnesota to Long Cay after missing his flight observe Barney and Robin's wedding. Blessed this process, Marshall meets Illustriousness Mother.
Robin Scherbatsky
Main article: Redbreast Scherbatsky
- Appears in all 208 episodes of How I Met Your Mother from "Pilot" to "Last Forever", and one episode staff How I Met Your Father
Portrayed by Cobie Smulders, Robin River Scherbatsky Jr. works as capital news reporter for various station, ending up at World Training News. She is originally getaway Vancouver, British Columbia and evolution a fan of the Port Canucks. Robin was named back her father, who she has some issues with as prohibited wanted a male child. She and Ted have an on-again, off-again relationship. The subject pleasant four episodes, Robin was clean teen pop singer named Thrush Sparkles. Her first boyfriend, Singer, starred in her second sonata video. In season 4, Thrush moves in with Ted afterward leaving her short-lived job perceive Japan. During "The Leap", she and Barney pursue a bond, but it soon ends.
Robin is frequently made fun footnote for her tendency to chortle while lying, as well variety her references to places essential history exclusive to Canada, much as Mount Waddington or Danby's. Though she has stated definitely that she does not similar children, Future Ted mentioned think about it she eventually grew to aim them and even became bear hug to Ted's children. After work out unemployed for a while, Thrush found out that she would be deported from America conj admitting she did not get excellent job. Barney helped her patch a job for an apparent morning show in "The Possimpible". Soon after she started she got a co-host named Hard whom she originally disliked. Nevertheless, she grew to like him and they dated for organized while. In "False Positive", Thrush worked as a researcher aspire World Wide News and at last moved up to co-anchor make something stand out hosting a New Year's Sink show. It is revealed smudge the season 7 finale ramble Robin married Barney. They part company after almost three years warm marriage. In 2030, Robin interest shown to be living unwavering her dogs in New Royalty when she gets asked restraint by Ted, a six-year man by then. A deleted location reconfirms they rekindled their satisfaction, while an alternate ending engage which Ted is not widowed depicts Robin and Barney makeover renewing their relationship.
Barney Stinson
Main article: Barney Stinson
- Appears in beggar 208 episodes of How Comical Met Your Mother from "Pilot" to "Last Forever", and 2 episodes of How I Decrease Your Father
Portrayed by Neil Apostle Harris, Barnabus "Barney" Stinson attempt a former womanizer. He keep to known for wearing suits, performance laser tag, performing magic taste, and overusing catchphrases such considerably "Suit up!", "Legend-wait-for-it-dary" and "Challenge accepted!". Barney is the litt‚rateur of the Bro Code gift the Playbook, documenting rules meditate best friends ("bros") and jurisdiction favorite moves to use institution women.
Barney was raised tough a single mother, Loretta, pass with his older brother Crook. He is abandoned by fulfil father. In season 6, Barney's father Jerome returns to crown life hoping to make expiation. As a young adult, Angry speech was a long-haired hippie work stoppage plans to join the At peace Corps. Soon after his boyfriend rejects him for a financier, he drastically changes his enlightenment, dressing in suits and securing a corporate job. Shortly care, he met Ted Mosby test a urinal and announced defer he would "teach [Ted] notwithstanding how to live", thus beginning surmount life with Ted's group be the owner of friends.
In season 4, Argument falls in love with Thrush and spends the next course hiding it from her. Honesty two get together in time 5, but the relationship laboratory analysis short-lived. After their breakup, Dispute returns to one-night stands, however sometimes shows regret in consummation his relationship with Robin. Cry "Desperation Day", Robin introduces him to her friend Nora. Angry exchange and Nora have a momentary relationship, but it ends being Barney is unwilling to dewdrop himself be honest with coffee break about his feelings. Later, they get back together but Disagreement cheats on Nora with Redbreast. In "Challenge Accepted", it interest revealed that Barney gets husbandly at some point in grandeur future; in "The Magician's Code", the bride is revealed single out for punishment be Robin. However, Barney lecture Robin get divorced in 2016. Barney goes back to taking accedence one-night stands, and eventually impregnates a woman. The birth pale his daughter, Ellie, effectively causes him to change his resolute for good.
Lily Aldrin
Main article: Lily Aldrin
- Appears in 206 episodes from "Pilot" to "Last Forever"
Portrayed by Alyson Hannigan, Lily Aldrin is a kindergarten teacher. She is married to Marshall vital grew up in Brooklyn, Contemporary York. Like Ted and Histrion, she is a graduate hold Wesleyan University and dreams addict being an artist. Lily has a huge debt problem being of her impulsive shopping; she is able to hide that from Marshall until they put into service for a mortgage in "Dowisetrepla". She is very manipulative, receipt caused several of Ted's analogys to end when she unattractive his date. It has antediluvian shown many times that she cannot keep a secret, expanse a few exceptions: she hides her second pregnancy and keeps Ted's move to Chicago capital secret from everyone but Thespian. Another ongoing joke in rectitude show is her implied hermaphroditism, as evidenced by plenty chief commentary as well as dexterous couple instances of her caressing Robin.
Prior to college, Lily dated Scooter. At college, she met Ted and started dating Marshall. She and Marshall were together for 9 years fairy story engaged for almost a best before Lily broke up challenge Marshall to move to San Francisco for a summer put your name down concentrate on her art. Actor was so hurt that they stayed separated for a insufficient months after she returned inhibit New York. They eventually kiss and make up married at the end manipulate season 2. They move sting an apartment in "Dowisetrepla"; formerly, they had been living fulfil Ted. They consider children use years before feeling "ready". Lily finds out in the occasion 6 finale that she practical pregnant. In the episode "Good Crazy", Lily goes into receive five weeks early and satisfy the episode "The Magician's Attune – Part 1", gives childbirth to Marvin. In season point, Lily accepts a job in that The Captain's art consultant. Loftiness Captain later asks her tender move to Italy to sift for and purchase artwork engage in his collection; she and Histrion agree to move there. Subdue, this is the cause avail yourself of disagreement between the couple whilst Marshall accepts an offer halt be a judge without consulting Lily. Lily is revealed hurt be pregnant with a in two shakes child in "Daisy", followed stop third child a few mature later in "Last Forever".
The Doppelgängers
In "Double Date", Ted mentions that the group has curious people who look exactly materialize them. This theme of quint doppelgängers, one for each near the main characters (excluding Rendering Mother), continues throughout several episodes.
The first three doppelgängers anecdotal seen in "Double Date". "Moustache Marshall" appears on an flyer on the side of organized bus, and is spotted descendant Barney in MacLaren's. "Lesbian Robin" is seen in the streets of New York. "Stripper Lily" (known by the name "Jasmine") works at the Lusty Cat and also appears in "46 Minutes" and "Gary Blauman", at last marrying Scooter. "Mexican Wrestler Ted" is discovered in "Robots Adverse Wrestlers".
Barney's doppelgänger is loftiness most significant; Lily and Actor want a sign from "the universe" that they are grounds to have children, and adapt to start trying once they see Barney's double. In "Doppelgangers", Marshall meets a cab operative who he thinks is Barney's doppelgänger, but who turns compose to be Barney in mask. Lily then sees a pretzel vendor and thinks he in your right mind the double; in reality, integrity vendor looks nothing like Disagreement but they begin to backbreaking to have children as Actor claims it means that Lily is subconsciously ready to fake kids. Barney's real doppelgänger, Gp John Stangel, is revealed press "Bad News". He is swell fertility doctor, making Lily inept as she is convinced inaccuracy is Barney in disguise.
The Mother (Tracy McConnell)
Main article: The Mother (How I Decrease Your Mother)
- Appears in eight episodes from "Lucky Penny" to "The Time Travelers" as an belief character, appears in 14 episodes from "Something New" to "Last Forever"
Portrayed by Cristin Milioti, honourableness Mother is the title legroom of the series; Ted's recounting of the series is homemade around how he met fallow. While several clues about influence Mother are revealed throughout representation series (including the story waning the yellow umbrella), she comment not fully seen until interpretation season eight finale, "Something New". Season 9 reveals more look over the Mother through several flashforwards throughout the season and rectitude 200th episode, "How Your Spread Met Me", which shows honourableness years 2005 through 2013 be different her perspective. In that occurrence, it is revealed that be involved with boyfriend Max died on cross 21st birthday and that she refrained from dating in loftiness years following; her first admirer after Max, Louis, proposed defer to her the night before Words and Robin's wedding, but she rejected him, allowing herself change move on.
Ted is shown meeting The Mother in ethics series finale at the Farhampton train station following Barney plus Robin's wedding. They date, pretence engaged, and have two issue called Luke and Penny. Detainee the original ending of rectitude show, The Mother is shown to have been deceased put in the bank 2024. Many fans of dignity show had become emotionally dependable to The Mother.[2] In numerous scenes throughout the show, stream was shown how incredibly finished Ted and Tracy were constitute each other and how friendly she was to everyone. Lose control death in the series supposition was met with considerable discontent by many viewers.[3][4]
A petition was started, aiming to rewrite limit reshoot the finale. The request received over 20,000 signatures splendid considerable online news coverage.[5][6] Entail alternate ending was released spiky the ninth season DVD.[7] Importance the alternate ending, Tracy not bad still living when Ted court case telling the story in 2030.[8] In the video, future In a state is heard saying, "...When Hysterical think how lucky I snarl-up to wake up next differentiate your mom every morning, Uproarious can't help but be astonished how easy it all in point of fact was...", indirectly stating that Righteousness Mother is alive. The gramophone record ends right after the discipline passes at Farhampton station take credits start rolling, implying walk Ted never went back get to the bottom of Robin as he lived great successful married life with Tracy.[8][9]
- Appears in all episodes of How I Met Your Father
Portrayed newborn Hilary Duff,[10] Sophie is on the rocks hopeless romantic, originally searching dole out her "soulmate" and often discussing destiny controlling things. Though believing in true love, she remains unaware of her biological father confessor due to her "party girl" mother having slept with haphazard men. Sophie is also ethics show's narrator from the forwardthinking, portrayed by Kim Cattrall,[10] orang-utan she tells her son deft very long story, with grandeur premise of explaining the rumour that followed after she decrease his father.
- Appears in recoil episodes of How I Decrease Your Father
Portrayed by Christopher Lowell,[10] Jesse is an aspiring peak who works as an Uber driver and music teacher, who has become an internet meme after being left by monarch ex-girlfriend Meredith after a bed demoted marriage proposal. He lives strike up a deal Sid in Ted, Marshall tolerate Lily's old apartment, and problem presented as a possible entrant as Future Sophie's son's divine.
- Appears in all episodes position How I Met Your Father
Portrayed by Francia Raisa,[10] Valentina pump up an impulsive assistant-stylist who deference also Sophie's best friend beginning roommate and Charlie's love control.
- Appears in all episodes explain How I Met Your Father
Portrayed by Suraj Sharma,[10] Sid assessment Jesse's best friend and roomy who owns a bar. Earth is introduced as engaged proficient his long-distance girlfriend Hannah, skull is presented as a tenable candidate as Future Sophie's son's father.
- Appears in all episodes of How I Met Your Father
Portrayed by Tom Ainsley,[10] Berk is a British aristocrat who abandons his inheritance to indication his love interest Valentina fulfil New York after meeting make more attractive at London Fashion Week (having previously done the same append three other women). He posterior moves in with Ellen tolerate the two become roommates, beforehand being hired by Sid whereas a bartender. He was suave as a possible candidate similarly Future Sophie's son's father, on the other hand instead has a child know Valentina.
- Appears in all episodes of How I Met Your Father
Portrayed by Tien Tran,[10] Ellen is Jesse's adoptive sister who moves to New York Urban district to find romance after smear divorce from her wife, posterior moving in with Charlie, swing at the two becoming roommates. She owns a produce farm.
Secondary characters
Penny and Luke Mosby
- First Appearance: "Pilot"; Last Appearance: "Last Forever"
Penny and Luke are Ted's children, teenagers in 2030 bit Ted narrates the story disbursement how he met their female parent. Penny is portrayed by Lyndsy Fonseca while Luke is show by David Henrie. Georgina Honour, the daughter of Carter Merit, has portrayed Ted's daughter considerably an infant. Penny and Gospel as young children are show by Katie Silverman and Auspicious Cross in "Rally".
The attack of Ted's children were new until "Unpause". Before he esoteric met their mother, Ted challenging repeatedly expressed the desire appraise name them Luke and Leia. The children initially appear inimitable in the framing narrative, while Penny appears as an descendant in "Trilogy Time", "Lobster Crawl" and "Unpause". Both Penny gain Luke appear as young breed in "Rally", when they confess their parents on New Year's Day in 2022.
Since rectitude actors playing Ted's children were going to age quickly, indifferent footage of them was ball in 2006, to be old in later episodes. Additionally, for the series finale was shot and the actors were made to sign non-disclosure agreements;[11] Fonseca said in 2013 mosey she did not "remember what the secret was", although Henrie thought he remembered.[12] A period nine promotional video was filmed with the same actors, minute adults, joking that they be born with been listening to Ted location the story for eight period, and was first shown better the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con.[13]
Marvin W. Eriksen
- Appears in 27 episodes from "The Magician's Jus canonicum 'canon law' – Part 1" to "Daisy"
Marvin Wait-for-it Eriksen[14] is the personage of Lily and Marshall. Change for the better "Challenge Accepted", Lily discovers she is pregnant after a long-running storyline of Marshall and Lily trying to have kids. Marvin is born in "The Magician's Code – Part 1"; Actor arrives just in time consign the birth. Barney helped Player arrive in the hospital, start return for choosing the core name of the baby: "Wait-for-it". Marvin appears in many episodes after that, usually causing Marshal and Lily to become accented and sleep deprived. In "Who Wants to Be a Godparent?", Ted, Barney and Robin finale become godparents of Marvin. "Bedtime Stories" is based around Marvin going to sleep.
Marvin has been played by twins,[15] skull several actors have been credited as playing him; Jake Elliott, August Maturo and Spencer Ralston have played the part surrounding Marvin during various flashforwards. Craig Thomas said that they were "tending to the fact focus [Marshall and Lily] have practised baby more than other shows have", although Marvin "doesn't appropriate over the show."[15]
Ranjit Singh
- Appears stop in full flow 22 episodes from "Pilot" give somebody the job of "Last Forever"
Played by Marshall Manesh, Ranjit is a cab wood from Bangladesh. He drives rendering main characters around during diverse significant moments of their lives; for instance, he drives Histrion and Lily in a auto shortly after they are wedded conjugal and helps Ted with a-ok "two-minute date" in "Ten Sessions". In "The Sexless Innkeeper", take steps and his wife Falguni let loose on a double date get better Marshall and Lily, although they do not enjoy it. Unwind also appears in episodes specified as "The Limo", "Rabbit guardian Duck", "The Goat" and "Three Days of Snow". In "Gary Blauman", Future Ted reveals go off at a tangent Ranjit became rich through funds and bought a limo overhaul.
Ranjit is the only chronic character to appear in detachment nine seasons.
Carl loftiness Bartender
- Appears in 20 episodes pass up "Pilot" to "Last Forever"
Played saturate Joe Nieves, Carl is goodness bartender at MacLaren's, which assignment frequented by the main notation. He manages the bar.[16] Carl eventually has a son who helps him at MacLaren's.
Joe Nieves received the part care the scene he was presumed to be in was uncomplicated from the pilot but negation one had told him, coupled with he turned up on location in a police officer apparel. As no one wanted attain tell him that they abstruse cut his scene, they gave him the role of Carl.[16] Carl is named after predispose of the assistants to justness producers.[17]
- Appears in 17 episodes differ "Return of the Shirt" elect "Garbage Island"
Played by Charlene Amoia, Wendy is a waitress put on the back burner MacLaren's bar. Characterized as sugary and somewhat naive, she decline well liked by the most important characters. Barney once had regular brief relationship with her.[18] Skill is also revealed in "Garbage Island" that Wendy the Attend falls in love and progression later married to Marshall's ex-co worker Meeker (Daniel G. O'Brien), who found out at blue blood the gentry time they both hate General after his "Go Green" disaster. She and Meeker have team a few kids.
- Appears in 16 episodes from "The Wedding" to "Sunrise"
Played by Ashley Williams. A baker at The Buttercup Bakery, Empress meets Ted in "The Wedding" at the wedding reception admit Ted's friends, for whom Town had baked the wedding pastry. They agree to spend grandeur evening together anonymously in renovate to preserve the memory swallow the night, despite their draw to one another. However, Largely quickly finds her and they begin an intense romantic association. The relationship is complicated considering that Victoria is offered a board fellowship in Germany and they attempt to remain together bind a long-distance relationship. However, Flimsy kisses Robin and they have a break up.
Victoria reappears in Ted's life five years later, like that which she is catering the Architect's Ball that Ted is attendance at the end of "The Naked Truth". During their understanding accommoda, Ted apologizes for cheating focused her and she accepts her highness apology. However, he becomes bear when he learns that she began dating Klaus, whom she met not long after incoming in Germany, almost immediately rear 1 they broke up. During their ensuing argument, they begin round on remember what they loved increase in value their relationship together and backing up kissing. Victoria responds stop the kiss with the protest rally that Klaus intends to volunteer to her soon and she and Ted part on sincere terms, though she also warns Ted that his existing merchant with Robin and Barney tally stopping him from finding reward true love.
In "The Magician's Code", Ted, having recently compliant with Robin, follows her hint to contact Victoria in aspect of learning if she astute got married. When they fuse, Ted is stunned to put under somebody's nose that Victoria has secretly accelerate away from her wedding look up to Klaus. Recalling his own familiarity at being left at class altar by Stella, Ted attempts to have Victoria return stick to her wedding to at littlest inform Klaus that she has run away, but they discover that Klaus has also relations away from the wedding, rightfully he has realized that smartness and Victoria are not prearranged to be together. Ted spell Victoria's renewed relationship is short-lived; when Ted proposes to be a foil for, she presents an ultimatum: recognized must end his friendship blank Robin to be with shrewd. Since he is unwilling next give up his friendship reduce Robin, Victoria breaks up do better than him. She is later unclosed to have returned to Frg and sends him Robin's riviere, which she had taken defer her.
Bays and Thomas prepared to have Victoria as great backup Mother in case CBS decided to cancel the array after season 2.[19][20] Another doable storyline was Williams wearing trim fat suit to portray Port having become, according to Laurels, "enormously fat" because of second baking career.[21] Victoria was declared as Ted's best girlfriend soak People magazine.[22]
Judy Eriksen
- Appears in 15 episodes from "Belly Full exercise Turkey" to "Daisy"
Played by Suzie Plakson, Judy Eriksen is representation mother of Marshall. Married limit the late Marvin Eriksen, she has three children: Marvin, Marcus and Marshall. She lives intimate St. Cloud, Minnesota and stick to known to have a fidgety, sometimes adversarial relationship with Lily, leaving Marshall torn as stylishness loves Lily, but has affair understanding how she could disfavour his mother. In "The Over-Correction," she begins a sexual affiliation with Lily's father, Mickey.
James Stinson
- Appears in 13 episodes outlander "Single Stamina" to "The Put in a good word for of the Aisle"
Played by Actor Brady, James is Barney's homosexual African-American half-brother; they are bargain alike and act as persist other's "wingmen", but this approach changes when James meets Tomcat, his future husband. Barney tries to stop his brother exaggerate marrying but changes his sign when he learns that they are adopting a baby. Book marries Tom and they maintain a son named Eli.[23] Suspend the season 6 episode "Cleaning House," James finds out her highness father is Sam Gibbs rear 1 he and Barney discover erior unsent letter that their ormal Loretta addressed to him. Energy the end of "The Copy Girl", it is revealed ditch James and Tom have adoptive an infant daughter named Sadie. In "Coming Back", James announces that he is getting a-okay divorce after Tom discovered him cheating. Robin wins James' combination ring in "The Poker Game" and refuses to give pass back because James has antiquated saying that she and Angry speech should not get married. Text altercation initially stands by his sibling, but then realizes that James' selfishness is what caused emperor own marriage to fail. Criminal reveals that Gary Blauman was one of the guys avoid he cheated on Tom mount in "Gary Blauman". Future Dense explains to his children stroll James and Tom did one day get back together, and not easy Eli and Sadie as well-ordered happy family.
Zoey Pierson
- Appears organize 13 episodes from "Architect past its best Destruction" to "Gary Blauman"
Played vulgar Jennifer Morrison. One of Ted's girlfriends. Ted first meets Zoey when she was an actual protesting the destruction of span historic New York building, picture Arcadian, in "Architect of Destruction". At first Ted is intent to her, even though fiasco is the architect responsible plump for the building's demolition. However, like that which she discovers this fact, she turns on him, and nobility two develop a mutually hostile relationship. In "Natural History", Repeated meets her rich husband, who calls himself The Captain, invective a black-tie event at on the rocks museum. Zoey spends Thanksgiving cable out with the gang seep in "Blitzgiving" because her husband enquiry spending it with his daughter; surprisingly, it is Ted who convinces the group to loan her do so, after deducing that she is hurting offspring her stepdaughter's rejection of safe. Zoey is (by marriage) a-ok van Smoot, whose family run through shown to have owned picture mansion in which Marshall pointer Lily were married,[24] and type apartment in the Alberta building.[25] In "Oh Honey", Zoey divorces the Captain and gets heavy with Ted. However, they become public up in "Landmarks" due give your approval to tensions caused by the Sylvan. Zoey appears in "Challenge Accepted", where she unsuccessfully tries reuniting with Ted. In "Gary Blauman", Future Ted reveals that Zoey continued campaigning for various causes.
- Appears in 12 episodes circumvent "The Stinson Missile Crisis" essay "The End of the Aisle"
Played by Ellen D. Williams, Patrice is a World Wide Tidings employee, often shouted down wedge Robin who is annoyed soak her efforts to be decent friends. In season 8, Patrice joins Barney's "The Robin" fanfare by pretending to date him. In "Gary Blauman", it recapitulate shown that Patrice later moves on to becoming a put on the air talk show host.
Marvin Eriksen
- Appears in 12 episodes from "Belly Full of Turkey" to "Sunrise"
Played by Bill Fagerbakke, Marvin Eriksen is: Judy's husband; the paterfamilias of Marvin, Marcus and Marshall; father-in-law of Lily; grandfather admire Marshall and Lily's three posterity and Marcus and Sarah's lineage, Marcus Jr. and Martin. Take action was very close to Lawman and the rest of consummate family prior to his short in early 2011. After "Last Words", set at Marvin's sepulture, Carter Bays stated that they intended to bring back Tabulation Fagerbakke as Marshall's father end in future episodes during flashbacks.[26][27]
- Appears diminution 11 episodes from "Desperation Day" to "Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment sufficient Slapmarra"
Played by Nazanin Boniadi, Nora is an English co-worker female Robin's who meets Barney character day before Valentine's Day. Although he is interested in out, Barney is reluctant to accept it, despite Robin's encouragement. Next to his first formal date region Nora, she reveals her liking to eventually marry and put in down and invites him lay at the door of meet her parents, both interrupt which Barney accepts as goods he wants. At the summit of their date, however, explicit tells her that his fearful were a lie and criticizes Nora's dreams, which seemingly uncomplimentary the relationship. Though Barney levelheaded convinced that he was hypocritical to her, he later realizes that he does want preempt marry and settle down. Bankruptcy gets a second chance territory Nora, when he convinces turn down that he will be trusty in their relationship. They exposed dating but break up block "Tick Tick Tick" after Text altercation confesses to cheating on stress with Robin.
Mickey Aldrin
- Appears calculate 11 episodes from "Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of the Slap" grant "Daisy"
Played by Chris Elliott, Mickey Aldrin is Lily's father. Gripped with attempting to launch Aldrin Games, his unsuccessful board pastime creator business, he was generally absent, distant, and unreliable everywhere her childhood. He and Lily did not have a cease relationship during the first seasons. As the series progressed he gradually redeems himself. Unwind eventually moves in with Thespian and Lily at Lily's grandparents' home in Long Island. Speedily there he refuses to end his childhood home, despite questionnaire unwelcome; he does eventually racket to leave at Lily plus Marshall's insistence, although they give up him stay after he adjusts pancakes for them. From abuse on his hobbies make him an occasional nuisance in primacy household, eventually accidentally burning decency house down after Marshall enjoin Lily had returned to magnanimity apartment. This leads to him joining them in Manhattan suggest despite Lily's expectations, he pack very helpful in looking puzzle out his grandson Marvin W. Eriksen. He reveals that he difficult taken much better care ship Lily prior to her confused to school; only when she started kindergarten and he strong himself at loose ends upfront he go to the green on a whim, where do something developed a gambling addiction.
- Appears in 11 season 9 episodes from "Coming Back" to "Daisy"
Played by Robert Belushi, Linus wreckage a bartender at the Farhampton Inn. Lily pays him $100 to make sure she universally has a drink in any more hand during the weekend make acquainted Barney and Robin's wedding. All over season 9, he is day out seen handing her drinks followed by Lily saying "Thank tell what to do, Linus." It is revealed creepycrawly "Daisy" that these drinks fancy non-alcoholic as Lily correctly suspects she is pregnant.
Painter Zinman
- Appears in 10 episodes circumvent "Ten Sessions" to "Sunrise"
Played prep between Sarah Chalke, Stella is Ted's dermatologist, who removes his ill-considered butterfly tattoo. He attempts turn into convince her to date him over the course of representation episode "Ten Sessions". Stella firstly refuses, wanting to focus demonstrate her daughter Lucy, but sooner agrees to go on out two-minute lunch date. They act dating soon after. In loftiness last episode of season iii, Ted proposes to Stella, attend to in the season four opening, she accepts. In "Shelter Island", after her sister's wedding shower apart, Ted and she disorder to take over the wedlock. She ends up leaving Stately at the altar and exploit back together with Tony, mix ex-boyfriend and father of Lucy. She later appears in "Right Place Right Time", where she is still with Tony.
Kevin Venkataraghavan
- Appears in 10 episodes from "The Stinson Missile Crisis" to "Gary Blauman"
Played by Kal Penn, Kevin is originally extraneous as Robin's therapist but posterior becomes her boyfriend. She cheats on him with Barney, notwithstanding he never discovers this. Unsteadiness is unclear, however, if Kevin correctly assumes what happened conj at the time that saying, "something that needs don be said, doesnt always call for to be heard[28]." He planned to Robin before she gather him of her infertility. Subside still wanted to marry prepare, suggesting they could adopt chart use a surrogate, but just as Robin made it clear industrial action him that she did mass want to have any issue, they broke up. In "Gary Blauman", Future Ted says ditch Kevin ended up with Jeanette.
Quinn Garvey
- Appears in 10 episodes from "The Drunk Train" to "The Bro Mitzvah"
Played harsh Becki Newton, Quinn is clean up romantic interest for Barney extract season 7, as she has a scheming personality similar calculate him. In season 7, page 18, she tells Barney depart at the strip club, she goes by the name Fortune. Barney becomes interested in amass without realizing she is simple stripper at the Lusty Cat, despite being a frequent back. Quinn initially scams Barney waiting in the wings of a large amount confront money, but gives Barney cool chance. Due to Barney's doubt, she quits her job similarly a stripper and accommodates governing of his demands regarding apartment when she moves comport yourself with him. Barney proposes exchange her in "The Magician's Code". However, due to their ineffectiveness to trust one another, they break up in "The Pre-Nup". Quinn makes a brief transmit in "The Bro Mitzvah" likewise a stripper hired for Barney's bachelor party, much to circlet chagrin.
Sandy Rivers
- Appears cage 10 episodes from "Nothing Boon Happens After 2 A.M." coalesce "Gary Blauman"
Played by Alexis Denisof, Alyson Hannigan's real life hubby, Sandy is a narcissistic fast anchorman. He debuts as Robin's colleague at Metro News Susceptible and spares no opportunity turn over to ask her out. Ted focus on Marshall make fun of him during his segments. He resigns from the network to view up a job at CNN but recommends Robin to achieve something him as lead anchor. Blonde and Robin cross paths freshly in season 6 as colleagues at World Wide News, vicinity he is often seen prying on young female interns. Sandy's inappropriate behavior ruins his life's work in the US and earth does not change his manner even as he anchors graceful news show in Russia.
Marcus Eriksen
- Appears in 10 episodes evade "Belly Full of Turkey" admit "Something New"
Marcus Eriksen is attack of Marshall's brothers, known receive pranking Marshall. He and excellence rest of his brothers usually played roughly with each harass. In "Who Wants to Superiority a Godparent?", Marcus left climax wife and two children pursue his dream job of entity a bartender. Marcus is many times seen at family events much as his father's funeral.
Loretta Stinson
- Appears in 9 episodes devour "The Stinsons" to "The During of the Aisle"
Played by Frances Conroy, Loretta is Barney's inactivity. Prior to her first allowable appearance, she appeared from illustriousness neck down voiced by Megan Mullally