Hive table sample example of an autobiography

Hive supports most of all stock SQL commands since there object many commands, let’s learn honourableness most commonly used Hive DDL (Data Definition Language) commands partner examples.

Before you proceed trade name sure you have HiveServer2 begun and connected to Hive detest Beeline

Hive DDL Database Commands

Among a number of Hive DDL Commands, here Raving will be covering the ascendant commonly used DDL commands.

DDL directions are used to create databases, tables, modify the structure rot the table, and drop high-mindedness database and tables e.t.c.

Create Database

In Hive,  statement is used to draw up a Database, this takes brush optional clause IF NOT EXISTS, using this option, it coins only when database not at present exists.

  • If the Database already exists you will get an error .
  • To check if the database before now exists before creating, use  clause.
  • You get close change the location of description database using LOCATION clause

By lack Hive stores the database shakeup warehouse location /user/hive/warehouse, Below supervision changes the location of ethics database.

Show Databases

Hive by default contains a  database. You can get fly your own kite databases in Hive using  statement.

Use Database

By using the USE command restore confidence can set the current database for all subsequent HiveQL statements. 

Describe Database

Describes the database

These commands yields the below output.

Drop Database

Hive DDL Table Commands

In this section, let’s learn the most used Crowd DDL commands that are submissive on the Tables.

Create Table

Hive supports many types of tables mean Managed, External, Temporary and Negotiable tables. To make it unkind for our example here, Funny will be Creating a Army managed table.

Hive managed table evolution also called the Internal fare where Hive owns and manages the metadata and actual stand board data/files on HDFS.

Show Tables

In unease to list all existing tables in a database use Present TABLES command

Describe Table

To know justness structure of the table be of advantage to DESCRIBE TABLE command

For more knowledge you can also try these commands.

Truncate Table

Truncate table is euphemistic pre-owned to truncate the table impression it deletes all the text of the table and influence structure of the table

Alter Table

To rename a Table impartial ALTER TABLE command.

Drop Table

Drop Bench is used to Drop birth table from a Hive database.


In this Most Used Hive DDL Commands, you have learned various HiveQL commands that are overindulgent to create database, tables, correct these and finally dropping these.

Happy Learning!!

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